About Us

I would like to wel­come you to Gym Tech Cheer. My name is Rich Quinn, and I am the Owner/Director. My back­ground and expe­ri­ence in the sport of gym­nas­tics cov­ers over 35+ years of coach­ing the begin­ner gym­nast up to the elite lev­el of gym­nas­tics. I have had the plea­sure and hon­or of pro­duc­ing numer­ous gym­nas­tics cham­pi­onship teams at the state lev­el, as well as many state, region­al, and nation­al indi­vid­ual cham­pi­ons, with many of my accom­plished ath­letes going on to receive ath­let­ic schol­ar­ships and becom­ing top nation­al com­peti­tors in their own right.

As a for­mer gym­nas­tics com­peti­tor and 3 time All-Amer­i­can, I have had the reward­ing expe­ri­ence of com­pet­ing at the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­el. I was a mem­ber of the C.S.U.F. Gym­nas­tics Team receiv­ing a full 4 yr. ath­let­ic schol­ar­ship and becom­ing one of their top All-Around gym­nasts, as well as being a mem­ber of the Gym­nas­tics Teams win­ning two con­sec­u­tive Nation­al Cham­pi­onship titles.